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Multilateralism by the Numbers: What People Want and How to Deliver It

  • When
  • September 12, 2023
    5:15–6:30 p.m. (EDT)
  • Where
  • Livestream
  • Speakers
  • Dennis Francis, Meghna Abraham, Maritza Chan, Mark Malloch-Brown, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein
  • In partnership with
  • The International Peace Institute

The convergence of crises including the COVID-19 pandemic, Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, geopolitical tensions, the climate emergency, and rapid advances in artificial intelligence have challenged states and international institutions with their speed and complexity. Competition in global domains, including the cybersphere, is growing, resulting in the weaponization of data and new technologies. Meanwhile, the continued spread of populist nationalism reflects increasing economic inequalities and political fragmentation.

This event will explore the current health of the multilateral system and identify ways to strengthen inclusive multilateralism for sustainable peace. The discussion will, in part, draw on the results of a new global poll by Open Society, which represents the views of more than 5.5 billion people on global priorities, global solidarity, financing for climate change and debt, and human rights. The discussion will also draw on the findings of the Multilateralism Index, produced in 2022 by the International Peace Institute and the Institute for Economics and Peace. 

This empirical data will help to root the conversation in the current state of international cooperation and where it is headed, and will contribute to informed recommendations for strengthening an inclusive multilateral system to create a fairer and more peaceful world for everyone.


  • Dennis Francis

    Opening Remarks

    Dennis Francis is president of the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

  • Meghna Abraham


    Meghna Abraham is executive director of the Center for Economic and Social Rights.

  • Maritza Chan


    Maritza Chan serves as permanent representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations.

  • Mark Malloch-Brown


    Mark Malloch-Brown is president of the Open Society Foundations.

  • Ellen Johnson Sirleaf


    Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former president of Liberia, is a Nobel Peace laureate and serves as co-chair of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism.

  • Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein


    Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein is president and CEO of the International Peace Institute. 

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