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The Evolution of Reparations into Contemporary Remedies

  • When
  • June 27, 2023, 17:30–20:30 (CEST)
  • Where
  • Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstraße 22-23, 10117 Berlin
  • Speakers
  • Sarah Imani, Patrick Kauta, Charles A. Taku, Karina Theurer, Wolfgang Kaleck, and Gretchen Rohr
  • In partnership with
  • European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, Human Rights Watch
People on stage at the Evolution of Reparations into Contemporary Remedies event

This discussion explores the subject of reparations and access to justice for communities ravaged by crimes against humanity and the catastrophic repercussions of colonialism that continue to this day. Patrick Kauta, lead attorney for Herero and Nama representatives seeking reparations for the 1904 genocide of their people, will lead a moderated dialogue among a distinguished set of panelists advocating for reparative action before UN mechanisms and domestic and international courts.

To contextualize theoretical and ethical debates currently taking place in Germany, this event delves into the evolution of the basic legal right to reparation, the challenges petitioners from countries in the Global South must overcome, and the new efforts by advocates and academics to “decolonize” international human rights law itself.


  • Sarah Imani


    Sarah Imani is a legal advisor and researcher with the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights.

  • Patrick Kauta


    Patrick Kauta is a lawyer and is director of Dr. Weder, Kauta, and Hoveka, Incorporated.

  • Charles A. Taku


    Charles A. Taku is lead defense counsel at the International Criminal Court.

  • Karina Theurer


    Karina Theurer is an independent consultant on international law to Dr. Weder, Kauta, and Hoveka, Incorporated.

  • Wolfgang Kaleck

    Closing Remarks

    Wolfgang Kaleck is general secretary of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights.

  • Gretchen Rohr


    Gretchen Rohr is a strategic litigation officer with the Open Society Justice Initiative.

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