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Newsroom Press release

Roma Rights Group Files Complaint Against Bulgaria for Health Care Discrimination

With support from OSI’s Roma Health Project, the European Roma Rights Centre (ERRC) has filed a complaint with the Council of Europe, charging that Bulgaria systematically excludes Roma from access to health care. The ERRC is calling on the Bulgarian government to take immediate action. The complaint specifically charges that Bulgaria is in violation of health-related Articles 11 and 13 of the Revised European Social Charter, and Article E on nondiscrimination.

The health status of Roma is markedly inferior to that of other ethnic groups in Bulgaria. Persisting social and economic inequalities pose serious barriers to health care for Roma. According to the complaint, large numbers of Roma are unable to access health care services because they lack health insurance. Furthermore, the Bulgarian government has failed to put in place effective government policies to address the disproportionate health risks affecting Romani communities, or to eliminate widespread discriminatory practices against Roma in the provision of health services. The ERRC has received many complaints from Roma who are denied medical assistance as a result of discrimination, including pregnant Roma women who are frequently kept segregated from other women in maternity wards.

On February 5, 2008, the Council of Europe's European Committee of Social Rights declared the complaint admissible, paving the way for further independent review of the precarious situation for Roma health in Bulgaria. The Bulgarian government has until March 31 to submit a written response to the complaint.

For further information, please contact ERRC Programs Coordinator Tara Bedard at or visit the ERRC website for the full text of the complaint.

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