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In German Politics, Climate Wins

  • Date
  • December 2020
  • Authors
  • Jan Eichhorn, Sascha Nicke, and Luuk Molthof

According to new research supported by the Open Society Foundations, a large majority of Germans expect policymakers to address the climate crisis, even though policymakers are also grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. Further, a majority of the study participants state that climate policy is relevant—and often even pivotal—as they decide for whom to vote, regardless of their party preference.

This German-language report therefore concludes that nearly all political parties in Germany would benefit from putting forward specific policies to address climate change. Contrary to what may have been the old conventional wisdom, focusing on the climate crisis is good politics—for parties on the left, right, and in between.

This publication is currently only available in German.

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